校長 principal
秘書 secretary
教師會會長  Teachers’ Association President
家長會會長  Parent Teacher Association President(P.T.A. President)

院長 Dean
所長、中心主任 Director
系主任 Chair
名譽教授  Emeritus Professor / Professor Emeritus
教授 Professor
副教授 Associate Professor
助理教授 Assistant Professor
助教 Teaching Assistant
兼任教授 Adjunct Professor
兼任副教授 Adjunct Associate Professor
兼任助理教授 Adjunct Assistant Professor
講師 Instructor / Lecturer
兼任講師 Adjunct Instructor / Adjunct Lecturer
講座教授 Chair Professor

教務主任 Director Of Academic Affairs 
教導主任 Director Of Educational & Student Affairs
教學組長 Section Chief Of Curriculum
課發組長 Section Chief Of Curriculum Development 
註冊組長 Section Chief Of Registry
設備組長 Section Chief Of Equipment
資訊組長 Section Chief Of Information Management
實驗研究組長 Section Chief Of Experiment & Research

訓導主任、學務主任 Director Of Student Affairs
教官 Military Instructor 
生輔組長 Section Chief Of Behavior (discipline)
訓育組長 Section Chief Of Activity
體育組長 Section Chief Of Physical Education
衛生組長 Section Chief Of Hygiene (Sanitary)
校醫 School Doctor
護士 nurse

總務主任 Director Of General Affairs
庶務組長 Section Chief Of Purchase
文書組長 Section Chief Of Documents
出納組長 Section Chief Of Cashier 

輔導主任 Director of Counseling Division
特教組長 Section Chief Of Special Education
資料組長 Section Chief Of Information
活動組長 Section Chief of Activities 
輔導組長 Section Chief of Counseling

人事主任 Director Of Personnel
主計主任 Director Of Comptroller

工友 School Worker 
幹事 Assistant
警衛 Security Guard

導師 homeroom teacher
國文老師 Chinese teacher
英文老師 English teacher
數學老師 math teacher
物理老師 physics teacher
化學老師 chemistry teacher 
生物老師 biology teacher
歷史老師 history teacher
地理老師 geography teacher
體育老師 physical education teacher
音樂老師 music teacher
美術老師 art teacher
特教老師 special education teacher
實習老師 student teacher

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